Ten green bottles - Canciones para Niños en Inglés

Canciones para Niños en Inglés: Números - Songs for Children in English: Numbers

Ten green bottles

Ten green bottles, standing on the wall.
Ten green bottles, standing on the wall
But one green bottle is falling off the wall!
Nine green bottles, standing on the wall.

Nine green bottles, standing on the wall.
Nine green bottles, standing on the wall.
But one green bottle is falling off the wall!
Eight green bottles, standing on the wall.

Eight green bottles, standing on the wall.
Eight green bottles, standing on the wall.
But one green bottle is falling off the wall!
Seven green bottles, standing on the wall.

Seven green bottles, standing on the wall.
Seven green bottles, standing on the wall.
But one green bottle is falling off the wall!
Six green bottles, standing on the wall.

Six green bottles, standing on the wall.
Six green bottles, standing on the wall.
But one green bottle is falling off the wall!
Five green bottles, standing on the wall.

Five green bottles, standing on the wall...


Thanks so much to Ana for sending in this song!

Canciones para niños en inglés para aprender los números. Ideales para favorecer el aprendizaje del idioma, adquirir vocabulario, practicar la pronunciación, etc.

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